The Asbestos Abatement Worker manual covers the hazards of asbestos, specific procedures used on the job, and the legal rights of Construction Craft Laborers. Additionally, the OSHA standards that ...
The Asbestos Abatement Worker Refresher manual is approved as part of a program to meet the refresher course requirements of the EPA and state regulations. Up-to-date information regarding new regu...
The Asbestos Abatement Supervisor course builds on the information provided in the 40-hour Asbestos Abatement Worker course. Emphasis is placed on enhancing leadership and communication skills....
The eight-hour Asbestos Abatement Supervisor Refresher program reviews critical topics associated with asbestos abatement activities. Up-to-date information regarding new regulations, equipment, wo...
The Hazardous Waste Worker manual is part of a program that meets the requirements of OSHA 29 CFR 1910.120. The manual serves as a foundation for the course that doubles OSHA’s 40-hour minimu...
The Hazardous Waste Worker Refresher manual is part of a program that meets the requirements of OSHA 29 CFR 1910.120. The manual reviews information provided in the 80-hour Hazardous Waste Worker c...
The Lead Awareness manual covers the hazards and work activities of jobs involving lead exposure such as demolition or the cutting of steel covered with lead-based paint. This manual is intended as...
The Lead Abatement Worker manual covers abatement methods for safely removing lead from materials and safely handling lead-contaminated materials. Additionally, the OSHA standards that apply to lea...
This training fulfills the EPA’s requirements to become a Certified Lead Renovator. Certification is required for Laborers who are engaging in renovation, repair and painting activities that ...
The Basic Grade Checking class is a 40-hour program focusing on the skills, knowledge, and aptitude necessary to operate a variety of surveying instruments and record information for maintaining el...
The 40-hour Basic Construction Plan Reading course is a basic beginner level class that covers the fundamentals of measurements and plan reading, math formulas used in construction along with ...
The 80-hour Pipelaying program prepares CCLs to safely install pipe systems by introducing participants to the tools, equipment, and techniques typically used in pipelaying. Special...
The Trench and Excavation Safety participants will focus on standards for building protective systems in trenches and excavations. Participants will also discuss how to install different kinds of p...
The 40-hour Scaffold program is designed to address the needs of CCLs that are responsible for building scaffolding on the job site or are required to perform job tasks while using scaffolding. Des...
The Concrete Practices and Procedures manual covers the principles of concrete, the tasks involved in placing, finishing, and repair of concrete, and the hazards associated with each of these. Seve...
This module covers information necessary in recognizing the special hazards associated with confined spaces. The guide discusses the characteristics of confined spaces including: hazardous atmosphe...
The Permit-Required Confined Space manual covers the types of confined spaces encountered in construction, the potential hazards, means to monitor and control the hazards, and the variety of equipm...
The General Construction manual covers fundamental construction information from the four major categories of construction: Building, Heavy Highway, Utilities, and Environmental. Typ...
The Hoisting and Rigging program is a 40-hour class designed to educate CCLs in the rules, processes, and procedures to safely rig, signal, and hoist loads on construction projects. The progr...
Mason Tending is a 40 hour program which provides instruction on the mason tender's duties, proper job task performance, and details health and safety issues associated with mason tending. ...
The Plasma Arc Cutting manual covers the skills and knowledge necessary to operate plasma arc torches, which use extremely high temperatures. Protection of the operator, other workers, property, an...
The Hand Signaling module covers information regarding the important responsibilities of hand signal personnel and the most commonly used hand signals. The guide discusses situations that warrant t...
The Bridge Construction, Renovation and Demolition (BCRD) manual covers the many topics Construction Craft Laborers should know to work safely and productively on bridge construction. An overview o...
The Basic Construction Math module covers basic math operations and applies them to problems in the construction industry. The guide discusses taking measurements and using math to do tasks includi...
The Pipeline Safety manual covers the tasks that Laborers must be able to perform to work on a pipeline project including the various crews and equipment necessary to lay a pipeline. Each section o...
The Foreman Preparedness course provides the prospective foreman with techniques associated with leadership in the construction industry. This week long program will expose the candidate to the his...
This course is designed to empower the participant with the skills and knowledge to safely and productively operate rough terrain forklifts (within the scope of the construction industry). The &ldq...
Participants will learn to identify and prevent hazardous situations, identify and don appropriate PPE, identify tools, equipment and materials associated with oxyfuel cutting and describe fire pro...
This course reviews the step-by-step basics of skid-steer loaders including design concepts, operating controls, safety features, and basic operation. Participants are given ample hands-on pr...
Welding is a skill needed by many contractors for fence and guardrail erection, maintenance and repair of construction equipment, and for fabrication of construction materials. This introductory co...
This course is designed to introduce the participant to the process of controlling traffic flow safely through construction zones with the correct placement of signs, cones, and barricades. The bas...
This course presents an overview of the types of Decorative Concrete available today and covers some of the methods and techniques that are used for decorative finishes on concrete. The history of ...
'Laborers’ training reaches every county in Kentucky and meets the needs of our LIUNA local unions and our signatory contractors by providing relevant and necessary training to LIUNA members and apprentices...
To provide trainees with the knowledge of current regulations, common type of aerial work platforms and understand the need to conduct pre-shift inspections. Learn techniques for safe operation by ...
Any person performing tasks on a pipeline job must be operator qualified for every task performed as required by DOT 49 CFR Parts 192, & 195. This course is a preparatory course that will instr...
This course reviews the step-by-step basics of how the Mini Excavator functions. Participants will identify all components and systems of the Mini Excavators. They will then receive hands-on ...
The participant will be able to understand the construction site coordinate systems. Demonstrate familiarity with a typical GPS, measure horizontal and vertical angles and distances. ...
This training focuses on preparing the driver for the Pre-trip inspection and Basic Skills portions of the Road Test that will be performed at the Secretary of State Department of Motor Vehicles (D...
This training focuses on preparing the driver for the Permit portion of the Road Test that will be performed at the Secretary of State Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV). ...
This training focuses on preparing the driver for the inspection portion of the Road Test that will be performed at the Secretary of State Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV). ...
Participants will be introduced to the safe operation of HDD and working knowledge of the tools and equipment in the working environment. Trainees who complete this course shall demonstrate the fol...
The Traffic Control Supervisor Course prepares participants to oversee traffic control technicians, flaggers, workers, and others on a highway work zone construction project. ...
Traffic Control Technician training prepares participants to assist in installing and removing traffic control devices and to monitor their performance. Participants also learn to recognize deficie...
The eight-hour Scaffold User course covers all training requirements, except safety training specific to the nature of the employees' job and pertinent to the actual equipment and machinery wit...
The OSHA Construction Safety and Health manual overviews the contents of the OSHA 1926 Code of Federal Regulations and is part of a program that will fulfill OSHA’s training requirements for ...
This module covers information necessary in recognizing the special hazards associated with confined spaces. The guide discusses the characteristics of confined spaces including: hazardous atmosphe...
The 24 hour Mine Safety & Health course covers the required topics under Title 30, Code of Federal Regulations Part 48; covering training requirements, except safety training specific...
The Hazard Communication manual introduces the OSHA Hazard Communication Standard as it applies to the construction industry. The manual covers the guidelines for recognizing and protecting workers...
The Firewatch manual covers the basic principles needed to work safely around different kinds of fire. The variety of firewatchers are also discussed. Topics covered: ...
The Respiratory Protection manual details the correct use of the respirators when there may be hazardous substances present. Exposure guides, the variety of respirators and their proper use and res...
The Work Zone Safety program is a 16-hour course designed for CCLs seeking to become employed on highway construction projects or wish to enhance their existing skills to become a Traffic Control T...
This Red Cross Adult First Aid/CPR/AED course incorporates the latest science and teaches students to recognize and care for a variety of first aid emergencies such as burns, cuts, scrapes, sudden ...
This course teaches attendees general information regarding blood borne pathogens that one may encounter during the course of working on a job site ...
This course will address both human and equipment related-issues in protecting workers from fall hazards. The participant will learn to identify the appropriate safety standards, including li...
'Laborers’ training reaches every county in Kentucky and meets the needs of our LIUNA local unions and our signatory contractors by providing relevant and necessary training to LIUNA members and apprentices...
The Permit-Required Confined Space manual covers the types of confined spaces encountered in construction, the potential hazards, means to monitor and control the hazards, and the variety of equipm...
A required certification for all Laborers working in a hospital or healthcare environment. Topics will include: setting up and maintaining a negative air environment; removing debris; constructing ...
This eight-hour LIUNA Reducing Silica Exposure course provides an overview of working with silica; its history and properties, its effect on the human body, regulations, determining the presence of...